-providing my sister with a grandmother willing to help out in a MAJOR way during a small financial crisis. bless you Jan Buck.
- seating Melissa next to a military girlfriend with an anxiety disorder on her flight to Texas. Given their similarities, Melissa talked to this girl the entire flight and didn't spend a minute worrying about her fear of flying.
- providing Melissa with a very nice lady from Texas who offered her a ride to the hotel so Melissa didn't have to take a creepy taxi
- rescuing the 17 year old cat from what seemed like a hopeless situation. <---- it is this particular instance that really made me smile b/c God cares enough about me to answer my prayer to get the freaking cat out from behind the tub
These are simple things, SO minor in the scheme of what other people are dealing with, and yet God is a loving, faithful God. What a blessing it is to know that I can call out on God no matter what the situation (including a tub trapped cat) and believing whole heartedly that He will hear my cry.