Thursday, July 23, 2009

god IS good

the past few days have been full of countless reminders that though He certainly has more important things to deal with, God loves even me and hears my prayers. Here are just a few examples of God's faithfulness over the last week:

-providing my sister with a grandmother willing to help out in a MAJOR way during a small financial crisis. bless you Jan Buck.

- seating Melissa next to a military girlfriend with an anxiety disorder on her flight to Texas. Given their similarities, Melissa talked to this girl the entire flight and didn't spend a minute worrying about her fear of flying.

- providing Melissa with a very nice lady from Texas who offered her a ride to the hotel so Melissa didn't have to take a creepy taxi

- rescuing the 17 year old cat from what seemed like a hopeless situation. <---- it is this particular instance that really made me smile b/c God cares enough about me to answer my prayer to get the freaking cat out from behind the tub

These are simple things, SO minor in the scheme of what other people are dealing with, and yet God is a loving, faithful God. What a blessing it is to know that I can call out on God no matter what the situation (including a tub trapped cat) and believing whole heartedly that He will hear my cry.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

to Potter or not to Potter

at 12:00 tonight Harry Potter 5 is released. David is out of town so IF I want to see it asap, I'd have to go by myself. time to do some pros and cons:

- i've been waiting forever for this movie to come out.
- i would be in a sea of other Harry fans where the chances of my getting recognized at a midnight showing would be pretty scarce
- i wouldn't have to sit by my hubby who would inevitably would do his best to embarrass me and my love of HP

- people dressed up as characters. It might seem like I would enjoy this but even I, a super nerd, think this is beyond lame. The ONLY time I would ever dress up for anything Potter is on halloween. But I am too lame to go to parties and I teach at a Christian school where dressing up like a wizard is frowned upon so this is not really an option.
- when it comes to my bedtime, I'm like a ninety year old woman. I cannot stay up past midnight so I'd probably just fall asleep
- without David, I'd have to sit by myself. With my luck I'd end up by the stinky jr high boy who hasn't showered for a few weeks.

Whether or not I end up going, I do know this. I am SO lucky I got David on lockdown. If he knew I was seriously considering going to the first showing of HP 5 by myself, he might leave me if he didn't take our marriage vows so seriously.