Friday, January 29, 2010

Parent Night

Yesterday evening was one of the highlights of my year: Parent Information Night a.k.a Back to School night. Last year this night was approached fear and trepidation because I felt the need to "prove myself" being a first year teacher who barely looks old enough to drive a car. This year I felt much more confident, especially last night since it was the second PIN of the year. I thought it best to reflect on my fourth PIN of my teaching career and share some highlights with my vast readership:

- first comment of the night was literally "yeah, my daughter told me you would be young" to which I laughed and then felt like I was going to be carded.

- I had the pleasure of having the mom I shall deem "stinky face" twice since I have her daughter for both Geography and Washington State. "stinky face" looked like she either wanted to barf or kill me, I am not sure which one. Both of her questions made it very clear she is going to be my helicopter parent of the semester.

- crackberry dad didn't put down his cell phone for the entire 15 mins. it took all of my strength not to make a joke about how cell phones are not allowed in the junior high. I didn't but now I wish I had.

- the mom of the kid who I have already kicked out twice for talking (in four days) chatted my ear off, I wonder where he gets it?

and for my favorite highlight: one of my co-workers, who shall remain nameless, mircowaved fish for dinner in the teachers lounge before PIN leaving the entire building smelling like...well you can imagine.