Thursday, May 7, 2009

Do You...

Below are the list of things I have recently been asked by students who seem unable to grasp that I exist outside the classroom:

- do you ever go to the grocery store? - no, i grow all my own food. that's also why we have a pet cow, for steaks.

- do you know the show Friends? - you mean one of the most popular shows of all time? no, i'm not familiar. PIVOT!

- does your husband pick you up after school? - believe it or not, i can drive my own car. and by car i mean huge truck and i practically have to jump into it.

-do you have a best friend? - nope. i live in a cave. 

-do you have a facebook? - yep. and NO you cannot be my friend until after you graduate.

- do you text? - this one is always followed by a shocked/impressed look when I answer yes. 

i must have also thought my teachers were not real people when I was my students age but some of what I get asked is just so funny. 

p.s. yesterday I found out some of the 8th grade boys think i'm "hot." that was my goal in life so I guess I have to pick a new one. 

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