Friday, October 2, 2009

When You're Fifty...

It's Wednesday, chapel day.

The guest is a musician and half way through chapel, he passes out four sets of instruments to students in the crowd. He tells each student to keep one instrument and give one to a teacher. Once they've done that, they're supposed to bring their teacher on stage.

Caroline decides to give her instrument to me so we walk up on stage. The singer directs us to his left and his right saying "I want two teachers and two students on each side." He looks to the left, confirms it's as he asked. He looks to the right (where Caroline and I are standing) and he put his foot in his mouth with the following statement "ok and I see three students and one teacher."

It takes me about two seconds to realize he's talking about me and has decided I'm also a student. So I laugh, tell him I'm actually the teacher and he is clearly mortified. Everyone's laughing except for a few of the girls in my "fan club" who are so offended on my behalf that they are actually screaming at him. I believe their cries of injustice went something like "NO THAT IS NOT A STUDENT, THAT IS MRS HASLAM"

It was great. He was major embarrassed, I was amused. So I look 12. Everyone says I'll appreciate it when I'm 50.


  1. Oh my gosh, I love this story. You need to give your fan club something for standing up for you... t shirts with your photo?

  2. JESS! I love that you have a fan club! :) You are a very good blogger. It's a gift and you clearly have the material for it!
