There is quite a buzz around school now that the word is out that we're expecting. Apart from the constant name suggestions, a couple comments stand out as so funny/random that I feel they need to be shared:
Student 1: "You should name it Martin Luther King Jr."
Student 2: "um considering how famous he was, that would"
Forget about the racially offensive nature of naming a white baby after one of the greatest African American leaders of all time...this kid is just worried about plagarism. and that doesn't even make sense!
From one of the students in the previous conversation..."when it's born, you should put a beanie and glasses on it and send the picture to the whole school." what? WHY?
and my favorite from today:
"Can I be the baby's step dad?"
What this boy meant to say was "god-father" but instead said step dad and upon explaning that the only way that could happen was if we got married, he looked mortified while his friends made fun of him as only 8th grade boys can. I walked away laughing and immediately started this post.
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