Friday, January 13, 2012

and also, the economy.

Today I had the last of my current event presentations. Students were told they would receive extra credit if they could explain how their article was related to something we learned in Geography. Essentially all they had to do was make some sort of critical thinking inference, really not that hard.

The last girl to present asked if she would get points if she could "make something up" as she did her presentation. I told her I would give her points if what she said made sense.

Her article was about an injured Iraq war veteran. She read a very articulate summary about life after a traumatic injury and making the choice to stay positive. She then proceeded to make her attempt at the extra credit question. It started out great:

"This article shows how war can have a very serious impact on people living both inside and outside the country. This guy got hurt really bad defending people from a bad leader."

She should have stopped there. Instead she ended with...

"and also, the economy."

That was it. No explanation about how it impacts the economy, just "and also, the economy."

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