Friday, February 13, 2009

lunch duty.

Every teacher has a part of their job that they hate. Some teachers don't like correcting...i love it. Some teachers don't like being a disciplinarian; believe me, that is not a problem.

My hell? lunch duty.

I despise lunch duty. It involves walking around, saying "throw away your trash" about 1,533 times and generally being freezing cold. Seeing as how I hate regular lunch duty, one might imagine my feelings on lunch duty when there is SNOW on the ground. For me, snow lunch duty is worse than taking a drivers test, a bad break-up and running over your cat combined. Snow lunch duty is literally the worst.

My most recent experience brought me to my snow lunch duty breaking point. Monday is my day to be a lunch nazi. Monday there was about an inch of snow at King's. The minute I walked out of the door, I saw one boy lob (sp?) a giant snowball directly into the back of the head of another boy. Enter Mrs. Haslam screaming "NO THROWING SNOW" for the first of countless times. Now I know some people will think that it's just normal fun to play in the snow and throw snowballs. This is true when you have the ability to excercise self control. Junior Highers do not posess this ability. What may start as a friendly snowball fight quickly becomes a larger student ramming a smaller students face in the snow pile until they bleed. This is why snowball throwing is NOT allowed. but back to the story:

I escorted this young gentleman to the office for the remainder of his lunch all the while hearing complaints about how I'm not fair. As soon as he was safe within the confines of the office, I went back outside. Not to my surprise a student who I had warned previously about not throwing snow lofted a large snowball in my general direction aiming for a friend. I went over to this boy and said "what part of not throwing snow did you not understand?" BAD IDEA to ask sarcastic rhetorical questions to an 8th grade boy. He responded with something snotty which made me want to spank him (clearly not allowed) OR ram his face into the snow myself (also probably a bad idea). I made another trek to the office where I deposited my second student of the day and ventured out for the last 20 minutes of hell...I mean lunch duty.

1 comment:

  1. hahaha! love it! :) my favorite is when you wanted to ram the boy's face into the snow yourself. haha! keep up the blogging girl! this is good stuff :)
