Monday, December 7, 2009

Bathroom Lottery

7th grade boys are ridiculous for a lot of reasons, that's a give in. But today we reached a whole new level. It's fourth block and the rule in my class is that you cannot even ask to go to the bathroom until a half hour of class has passed unless it's a serious emergency. As is typical of most days in 4th block, about 1 hour in to class a boy asks to go to the bathroom. I say "sure" and immediately, it begins. Instantly 6 other boys raise their hands and ask if they can go. My answer in this kind of situation is usually yes but one at at time.

Today, for some reason, that was not the case. This is because I know that most of these boys want to go just to get out of the room, not actually go to the bathroom. How do I know this you ask? Because if they ask too early and I say no, most of the time they don't ask again. If they really had to go, they'd ask again. but I digress. Today I said "raise your hand if you have to go to the bathroom and you're a boy." 6 hands go up. I said " i am going to write your names on pieces of paper and will draw three, you three get to go and the rest of you have to hold it." As I am writing down names, one of the boys makes sure to whisper to me that he hopes he gets picked because "he has to go number two." he actually said this to me. gross.

i drew three names. three cheered. three moaned. thankfully the number two kid got picked.

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