Monday, December 14, 2009

James Bond

Today's WSH daily activity was to design a WA state flag. Only rules were "it needs to be in color and it needs to connect to either Washington's past or present. As you can guess, I got a lost of flag's with apples and trees. Salmon galore and the occasional Space Needle. What I wasn't anticipating was the following that can really only be described through the conversation I had:

Student: "Here's my flag"
Me: Looking at the helicopter and mountain on fire "Can you explain this to me?"
Student: "Sure, that's James Bond and he's chasing that bad guy who set the mountain on fire."
Me: "and what does this have to do with Washington State?"
Student: "nothing."
Me: "ok. well. you can either take this assignment seriously and do it over OR you can turn this in and see what happens."
Student: "i think i'll do it over."

His second edition work of art had a train on it with the following in the smoke cloud: "Washington Is Cool."


  1. So what was his grade on the second attempt??? haha

  2. haha well though he still didn't really deserve it, he got full credit since trains actually had something to do with Washington
